Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rehab Meetings New Place "To Be Seen"

Newsom has now announced that he is seeking alcohol counselling from Mimi Silbert, head of San Francisco's famous Delancey Street Foundation. Sort of.

While Jaye referred to Newsom's treatment for alcohol dependency as counseling, Silbert disagreed with the characterization. "I don't know if I would use the word 'counseling,' but I will be helping the mayor," she said. Silbert said Newsom had contacted her Saturday about getting help.
From SFgate.com

So let's see, that's Gavin (plus the lady in question was in rehab, which is why she came clean), Lindsay, Mel, Kramer, Miss USA...whether by court order or not, it seems like everyone needs some help these days for doing stupid shit.

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